三冠酒造についてAbout Sankan Shuzo
Sake that plays a supporting role and
makes the meal the star
Sankan Shuzo Limited Company is a brewery established at the current location in 1806, after the end of the Edo Period.
The brewery is located near the port town of Shimotsui, which has long prospered from its fishing industry. We brew sake with the intention of pairing it with the seafood landed at Shimotsui Port, and strive to create a dry sake that complements the flavor of the fish dishes while being superior to the fish oil.

Kojima, Kurashiki City,
the birthplace of Sankan Shuzo
当蔵がある児島は「繊維の街 児島」といい、昔は作業服や学生服、現在は国産デニム発祥の地であることから、昔から繊維産業の大変盛んな地域です。
当蔵近くには「ベティスミス ジーンズミュージアム」や「日本被服(株)児島学生服資料館」があり、年間5万人以上の見学客が訪れています。
Kojima, where our brewery is located, is called "Kojima,the city of textiles," and has been a very active area in the textile industry for a long time, as it was the birthplace of work uniforms and school unif orms in the past, and is now the birthplace of domestically produced denim.
In April 2017, Kurashiki City was recognized as a "Japan Heritage Site" as a "textile town where Japanese and Western styles are interwoven," and Kojima's textile industry was also comprehensively recognized.
Near the warehouse are Betty Smith Jeans Museum and the Kojima School Uniform Museum of Japan Apparel Corporation, which attract more than 50,00 0 visitors a year.
Shimotsui Fishing Port, famous for the landing of Shimotsui octopus, is also nearby, and was used as a location for the animated film "Hirunehime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari" directed by Kenji Kamiyama,which was released on March 18, 2017.

三冠の日本酒 Sankan's Sake
Shimotsui Port is a fishing port on the Seto Inland Sea and is representative of ports in Okayama; our brewery is the nearest brewery to the port. Our sake is brewed with the aim of pairing it to the fish and shellfish harvested at Shimotsui Port. We want to brew a dry sake that enhances the deep ‘umami’ flavors of the food and that can stand up to fish oils, a dry sake which retains the flavor of the rice from which it is made, and which can replace the rice dish in a meal that consumer never tires of drinking. This is what we strive for when brewing sake.
Focusing on local blessings
in sake brewing

仕込み水Brewing Water
‘mikoe-no-mizu’ by the salt field workers who labored under the hot sun, and who would line up for a cool, refreshing drink to quench their thirst with the treasured water. Many people wonder whether the water is salty, being so close to the coast; however, the water has been filtered through granite and is clean and pure.
It is hard water, and it brings out the flavor of the ingredients when brewing.
酒米Brewing Rice
当蔵が使用するお米は岡山県発祥の2大米「雄町」と「 朝日」を使用しています。
The rice used in our brewery is "Omachi" and "Asahi", two major rice varieties originating from Okayama Prefecture.
Omachi, one of the three best rice for sake brewing, and Asahi, which is highly regarded throughout Japan as a delicious rice, are both represe ntative of Okayama's pride and joy, and are indispensable for brewing the taste of local sake.
銘柄紹介 Sankan Brand Introduction
Click here You can buy it here
会社案内 Campany Profile
沿革 Company History
Bunka 3(1806)
Mr. Kichizo Suwaki, the first generation, established a sake bre wery under the name "Masuya" in Kojima, Kurashiki City.
Ansei period(1854-1860)
The third generation, Mr. Yasutaro, took over the family busine ss after studying at the University of Michigan in the United States.
He changed his name to Maebatake Yasutaro from Maebatake, the n ame of the area, and later changed his name to Maebatake Sake Brewery and devoted hi mself to sake brewing.
Meiji 36(1903)
While Heizaburo Maebatake IV was the representative of the comp any, he received a letter of commendation from the Emperor of Japan at the 5th Cabinet In dustrial Exposition. After this, the trademark was changed from "Fuji Masamune" to " Gion".
Meiji 44(1911)
Gion is awarded a certificate of merit. The brand name was later changed to the current "Sankan".
三冠の由来Origin of Sankan
After receiving two awards, "Fuji Masamune" and "Gion," the bra nd name was changed to "Sankan" in order to receive a third award.
During the reign of Raizo Maebatake, the fifth generation, sake brewing was temporarily suspended due to post-war restrictions.
Showa 30(1950)
「三冠酒造 有限会社」として法人化し、酒造りを再開。
The company was incorporated as Sankan Shuzo Limited and resume d brewing sake.
Showa 51(1976)
Toshishige Maebatake, the sixth generation of the family, returns to the brewery after gaining knowledge at Tokyo University of Agriculture. He takes over the traditional skills and techniques of the Bicchu Toji brewery and strives to make s ake.
Heisei 23(2011)
Toshishige Maebatake, the sixth generation, was awarded the Med al with Blue Ribbon.
Heisei 24(2012)
Received a certificate of appreciation as a "well-established company in Kurashiki" founded over 200 years ago.
At Present
The seventh generation, Masumi Maebatake, is striving to mak e sake unde r the leadership of the sixth generation.
会社概要 Company Overview
Company |
三冠酒造 有限会社 Sankan Shuzo Limited Company |
代表者 Representative |
前畠 敏成 Toshishige Maebatake |
創業 Founded |
1806年(文化3年) Since 1806(The Bunka 3 years) |
設立 Established |
1956年1月 January 1956 |
資本金 Capital |
3,000,000 円 3,000,000 yen |
Business |
酒類の製造及び販売 Manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages |
所在地 Address |
〒711-0906 岡山県倉敷市児島下の町2-9-22 2-9-22 Shimono-cho, Kojima, Kurashiki City,Okayama Prefecture 711-0906 Japan TEL 086-472-3010 Telephone 086-472-3010 直売所 TEL 086-472-3010Direct Shop Telephone 086-441-4440 |